The Art of Feeling sometimes is better than thinking about it..
Its been a long while since I have not written anything,extremely sorry for that.So lets start..Have you heard about other way of living life where you don’t think but you feel it.Hmm..this is not only for awakening your feminine energy but it can also be used for awakening the masculine energy for males.So…lets begin..what is the art of it?How to learn that?Often times,we are sitting having a cup of coffee in the gallery of our house or in the window of our house,and we are seeing the incredible beauty of nature..with every sip you take,you are watching the trees moving with their green colour ,watching the rose bushes in your garden,watching the birds flying in the sky and you feel a sense of relief in that moment of really experiencing or rather feeling this whole experience of being so close to yourself where you are feeling it and not thinking about it.Now,imagine if you are thinking all would be a beautiful mesmerizing experience but isn’t it soothing to not just think and go with the flow of life and feeling it, breathing it and just loving that moment.I often hear people say to me how can I not think but just feel..You see when you are in the thinking process,you are much deep in it and therefore you just cannot feel the process of feeling it.But once you had that experience of living that way of feeling,you will be amazed.Now,the question arises..How this is going to help me awaken my feminine energy and for the males for awakening their masculine energy even though its a series where I am teaching you how to awaken the feminine energy.But this particular blog goes to both of you.

Now,back to where we see..look all around you,you can see that someone is giving birth to someone,whether it be demi-lovatos-quotes-4trees,flowers,birds,grass,insects..everywhere
you will find that the cycle is going on..When we get in touch with our feelings,we are embracing our gift of giving something back to the according to me
even by feeling the beautiful moments you are giving back something to that moment and also the nature and atmosphere around you…you are giving or sending a positive vibe.
Now,same goes with negative moments that you want to feel,you are seeing the same nature around you and you just remembered something unhappy at that moment,feel
it …cry over it…its sometimes necessary to feel the pain..and send it out in the nature.
The nature or atmosphere around you will recycle the process in that moment.
So..just get out there..feel the things that you want to feel..whether it be unhappy or happy moments because you will nature..seeing nature is the best healing..and “Feeling
it is the best Loving”.Because as you do this process you will realize that in the whole process of feeling.You are coming out of your own Den and you are coming out of the shell that you have created that is holding you back to experience life in your own
way to feel it…and heal yourself and also making you happy by being in those happy moments….that you had relieving it to heal grow you in something that is within you..and just reigniting that power within you that will shine bright like a diamond and create a life that you want to design for yourself and become an
architect of this extraordinary love that you have for life and life has for will make you beautiful from within and create a positive vibe around you and bring those things that you lack right now…so that you improve it…and be better and better and just better..and experiencing life in the full way.



This a series of articles that I would be writing for Awakening your feminine energy. The journey starts here with you by really embracing your feminity which is fragile yet so strong. Now for awakening your feminine energy,you really don’t need to look slim,beautiful or like the girls you watch in television and magazine.I am talking about being ‘SPIRITUALLY SEXY’. Now what does that mean,It simply means by being sexy from within and here,I am not talking about the things that are showed as sexy,I am talking about sacredness,integrity. So now you my ask how to really bring that holiness in you. And the first step is to really ‘LOVE YOURSELF OF WHO YOU ARE’. Now to start with,I am going to tell you some treasures that we have as woman.






These are the beautiful gifts given by GOD to us,but just think for a while; Have you recognised yourself as a Woman of Substance with all this qualities? The answer would be yes I know but I fear to show it. Right? So here you are stopping yourself by being Spiritually Sexy.We want to be a classy woman but have you really thought about doing something for it? Yes, you have but you fear and fear comes from all the insecurities that we have kept in ourselves and have grown them as our own children. So what can we do for it? What are the initial steps that we can take? To feel sexy,think classy and act with integrity. So here you go,by falling in love with yourself of who you are,no matter how you look,how your body shape is..and blah,blah,blah! We always think about that perfect man coming into our lives like Edward in Twilight but in order to find such man,we need to be first be comfortable with ourselves,and love ourselves..only then real man or say good masculine energy would be coming into our lives in the form of boyfriend,husband,brother,friend etc..and only then the person we are looking for will find us attractive and will completely love and accept us for what we are.

So the first initial step is ‘THE ART OF SELF SEDUCTION’. Now what it is? You may ask… So all you need to do is follow this 3 steps-





Now applying the art of seduction can be according to the talent you have.Take out time for yourself in morning only for you. Then,

-If you are a singer,sing out loud beautiful songs.

-If you like to paint,then put out your creativity in that.

-If you like to dance,then dance with full passion.

And so on..according to your own specialties. Why this works in awakening your feminine energy? The Reasons are as follows-

-You recognize yourself.

-Your Inner Child is nurtured.

-You start feeling confident.

-You start loving yourself.

-You expand your beliefs regarding you which you have kept limited.

-And the last,you awaken your sacred sexiness which is your treasure.

Remember,by being a strong feminine girl means to remove all the negative experiences which you had before and start inviting good experiences with situations,relationships and people around you. As you generate respect and love for yourself,people will get a natural vibe of your sacredness and will ultimately act good with you. Take inspiration from feminine Gods in your culture,what qualities make them unique and practise to work upon your own uniqueness and just feel this amazing dance in you that will really take you to a different world as a person.While it is said that We are humans and not Gods but we can get inspired by them to better ourselves. Isn’t it? And this is a series of Awakening your Feminine Energy.Lot more to come each week.Till then,I hope you enjoy applying the art of self seduction and discover yourself and embrace your holy sexiness.

Written By,

Shruti Mogre.




Being in presence is totally different thing.

And finding presence is totally different.

So what is the difference then,what is the root of presence?

How do we recognize the presence in the moment?

Are the questions which arise?

So how do we define presence then?

Well we can define presence as a moment different then awareness,

Awareness is the key to knowledge whereas presence is the journey

to knowledge;so we can say that there is a recognition or ignition of

presence and then awareness taps your door.So now the presence is

not defined yet,so “PRESENCE” is something which divinely

encourages you to the the path of knowledge of every moment of

your life,guides you to focus on the things that is near you and which

are not.It teaches you to flow in the moment of action through

mindfulness of your peace within.

The second comes the actions of love.

Actions of love according to me is simply embracing yourself for

everything you feel,its a journey of loving yourself and loving

with being in presence,its a point where you will start seeing

beauty around you and in you and then this is the moment of

love by being in presence and then the action comes in with

where your act of feeling becomes your greatest treasure,where

your act of love becomes your sanctuary,where your act of love

becomes your life by being in unconditional love with yourself

and all of the nature around you,where every thing you see

becomes your mirror of thoughts in that moment of presence,

being in awareness and the actions of love and being in presence

and the actions of love opens the door of self assessment by

feeling the pleasure of this deep thought of recognition

of your true self which is much greater than you can imagine.

You find pleasure in that moment of finding yourself and

this is finding presence in that moment of your life where

your soul is awakened to the height of formlessness of

the beauty of your true self which merges with you on

a unconscious level as if there is another universe of

unconsciousness that is feeling this pleasure which you are feeling,

which is being awakened as you are,and then this journey becomes

the moment of soltitute of your life within,you are just you

but in the more sacred manner and this is the time when you turn to

what is exceptional in you from everyone else,you recognize it

and go with it feeling the heart of nature just inside you.And this

is when you will feel the philosophy of being steady by being inImage

no mind but in the full presence and then the action will take

place with the enthralled beauty of your own part of universe and

then great things happen just significantly without thought,

taking you to more love,more unconditional love to the state of




Do you really know yourself?you may say of course I know myself. But I have found that if the people are not satisfied in their lives, they make wrong choices.The main reason is they don’t realize their power,they really don’t understand it.They are being conditioned in the society this way by introducing competition into play,here I mean unhealthy competition to make it big in the world to fit in. What if we do it all in an empowered way by living in awareness every hour of the day so that we could feel it and do those things by being fully aware and putting our passions into it. Sounds interesting,but how to actually do it. Here are some 6 tips that can bring your awareness into your work giving you an extraordinary product.

1.Start your day with no mind.

The meaning of no mind here means to stop your logical brain and start your left subconscious brain,bringing your intuition and your creativity into play and to work in the present moment. Now,how to train your brain to work right way,that is to work with subconscious.Simple exercise is to start your day on the bed itself practicing beautiful meditation with relaxing music. Time duration is according to you,it can be 5 min meditation or you can go for half an hour.But you really need to do it seriously imagining white light from above crossing your head and going till your toe and purifying you completely.

2.Closing your eyes for seeking the answer.

While you are on the work,and you are just not understanding what to do,become aware of your intuition coming in.Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself.What do I want to achieve?What should I do to make this project successful?What I want for myself through this work?Ask these questions write it in a paper,but remember to do this exercise all in 1 min.Why in 1 min to give you exciting spontaneous answers from your true self which will help you to greater success.

3.Rectifying your mistakes and improving them consciously.

Now instead of feeling guilty of your mistakes at work or any area of your life in any time of the day.Ask yourself this two questions.The first one is What did you learn from your mistake?And the second,what do I need to do to improve it?The first voice from your heart is your answer.

4.Making yourself a priority.

Yes,it is very important to make yourself a priority to do what you love doing as your therapy for healing stress.It can be dancing, listening music,doing meditation,cooking,writing etc.You can include meditation with your hobbies to make conscious effort to reflect your authentic self in the universe,which will increase your power of thought and creativity which you can bring in your work.

5.Conscious Eating.

Health is wealth.Conscious Eating is a method where you ask your food what he wants to give you.So,as you eat,hold your food and ask what you want to make it for myself if I eat you and your heart will give you answer.Its extremely superb to implement for people who love junk food,and it will also change your perspective in food by eating healthy and nutritious food and maintain yourself which will give you a healthy thought process on the way you live and think in life.

6.Sleeping Peacefully.

Do the 5 min meditation of purifying yourself by imagining white light going from your head to toe and say I love myself for what I do in my life and I embrace my authentic self to be extraordinary. And sleep.Again wake up the next day to practice awareness to make you an extraordinary human living with great happiness and ease.


famous-inspirational-quotesRobert-Graves-Quote-about-Intuition Have you ever   thought that there is the heart calling inside of you saying to you something,whispering like a shadow in the afternoon.Is so,then yes it is you intuition. What is INTUITION?WHAT IS THE BASIS OF IT?HOW DO I RECOGNIZE THAT ITS MY INTUITION?are the questions which will arise. Well,let me define here,Intuition in a simple language can be defined as a voice of your own heart,your soul popularly known as gut. Now,you must have heard that the gut feeling is always correct and that we should all listen to it.But how many of us actually listen to our gut or intuition?The answer is I am afraid to listen to my gut because I have realized that it is always incorrect,or even when I want to I am not able to implement it.Hmm…when our gut feeling is always right,why it appears to be incorrect,why we are unable to trust it. The answer is Ego,and Your Mind.Now, many of us will not understand Ego and MIND.How is that possible?YOU may say that I am a very humble person,I am not at all arrogant or over confident,I am not at all underestimating etc.. Well let me tell you the difference between your EGO AND YOUR MIND. YOUR EGO-It comes from fear.Ego always wants to win.Many Years,before in one of the seminar which I attended,ego was being described as EDGE GOD OUT.Ego cannot handle failure,for him he is the best.For eg. In relationship,if there is a fight and you know that it was your mistake,But your ego will say that you were not wrong,and that you cannot be wrong at all.Its the other person who should understand the situation and must have talked accordingly.So,here we can say that fear arises that you may lose your identity by handling the situation from your side,you may fail,if the other person may not be able to forgive you or listen to you then you may lose your identity,this is the YOUR MIND.And ego is fear of loosing. YOUR MIND-It comes from your ego.Yes,it does come from it.Because of EGO fears,it starts making stories of its own to support your ego.You can say YOUR EGO AND YOUR MIND are interconnected with each other,they have same soul but their characteristics are different.Then,how are they different?.Ego does not understand the difference between right and wrong where as Your Mind understands the difference between right and wrong.But here,Ego acts a dominant partner to suppress your Mind from its intelligence of choosing right and wrong.And so Your MIND listens to the dominant partner and starts making stories.For eg. Here,If the person is listening to ego and not admitting your mistake.Then,your mind will support you by saying,yes don’t admit.If you will admit then he/she might act like this,say this etc.and deep down inside it may also say that what if it does not happen.(so this is YOUR MIND telling you the difference between right and wrong by starting the sentence with IF and ending with WHAT IF).so ego does not bring the stories in your head,its just tells you to be THE WINNER OF THE SITUATION and YOUR MIND SUPPORTS YOUR EGO IN SPITE OF KNOWING THE REALITY OF WHAT IS RIGHT.SO HERE YOU GO..THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EGO AND YOUR MIND,VERY SLIGHT DIFFERENCE BUT UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND. Now,the question arises how to then finally listen to your intuition,and how do I recognize it from so much of clutter. Isn’t it? When people say that my gut or intuition is always wrong,it simply means that they are not able to judge between YOUR EGO,YOUR MIND AND THE INTUITION. Many people feel that there ego or their mind is acting as their intuition and so you get the ANSWER,WHY IT IS ALWAYS WRONG. Let me give you a simple exercise here,all you need it it its one person to do this exercise and one coin. Ask your friend,to hide the coin in one of their hands while your eyes are kept close and to ask you in which hand the coin is hidden.The first voice will say that its in left hand but its a very spontaneous voice but you may think for a while and call in to your mind and ego and will say right hand.And your friend will say you are wrong,it was in left hand,the first voice which you heard.I have practiced it many times but it took me time to listen to my intuition,the same will happen to you.Because,your intuition is your first voice which is a very short and spontaneous message and we need to be aware of it.As,its a very fast and spontaneous message,people are unable to hear it.Practice this in your daily life,not only with coin but everything.Suppose,you went in the gift the gift shop to buy a gift for your friend,ask your intuition to choose something and again it will be a very spontaneous and short message saying something,listen to it and buy what your gut tells you.And your friend will love it.It takes time but its not impossible to achieve,in this way by being aware,you can listen to your gut and make right choices in your life.Practice this and you will come to know what I am talking about.Awareness is the key.I hope this article helps you to do what your heart feels,because you are DIVINE child of GOD and you just need to embrace your Divinity.Loads of love and Angel Blessings,SHRUTI SUDHIR MOGRE.